In some cases we have to handle large amount of list items
with more than 50,000 items, instead of changing the threshold at farm level,
we can bypass the limit at list level for that we can use PowerShell script.
How to Schedule PowerShell Script
Disable list throttling SharePoint using PowerShell
Concatenate two fields and update the value into another field in SharePoint using PowerShell
Disable list throttling SharePoint using PowerShell
Concatenate two fields and update the value into another field in SharePoint using PowerShell
$web give the sitecolection/site Url and $list give the
list display name that you want to disable the limit.
For disabling we are $list.EnableThrottling = $false
If you want to enable it again we can change it to
$list.EnableThrottling = $true
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$web = Get-SPWeb
$list = $web.Lists["SharePointList"]
write-host $list
$list.EnableThrottling = $false
$list.Update()SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM