Sometimes we
have to remove user/users from inside the group or outside of the group from
the site collection and its sub sites, even if the list and site having unique permissions
we can delete users easily without Power Shell.
.We can achieve
this using GUI
Navigate to
site settings
Click on Site
permissions->click on any SharePoint group
In the top URL
we can able to see like this
For every group
having having a unique id.
change the 85
to 0 in the URL, it will display all the
users, select the check box that you want to delete.
In the tool bar we can able to see the Actions,clink on the actions ->click on delete users from site collection.
In the tool bar we can able to see the Actions,clink on the actions ->click on delete users from site collection.
It will remove
the users form site collection, sites and sub sites.