In this article we can see
how to send email only from a particular group of people using power shell, it
is very easy to user to remove/add new users whenever they want. In the below
code we created a SharePoint Group with name “DotNetSharePoint”
$web = get-spweb
$groupss =
$emailgrouptoo =@()
foreach($user in
$sendemailto =
$totalemail = $sendemailto
#You can also get this below
information from Custom List also , in the article we are mainly showing how to
send email to Owners Group Using PowerShell.
$smtpserver = "yourSMTP
$emailfrm =
"emailidfrom whom you have to send this email"
$Subject = "We are sending email to Users"
$EmailBody = "You type some information which you
want to show in side the email body"