In this article we are
copying values from one list to another list in SharePoint using PowerShell
Here we are having two
list LISTA and LISTB.
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Reduce one day in SharePoint list Column using PowerShell
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In both list having
field “uniqueid” , using the “uniqueid” only I am updating values from LISTB to
LISTA. In LISTB having more fields we need to copy the value from LISTB to
LISTA , using camel query we are getting the value from LISTA in to this
variable “$item['uniqueid']” and in FieldRef Name we have to give the
LISTB field name.
Below is the script to
update the items.
$web = Get-SPWeb " /sites/sharepoint/"
write-host $web
$Dest = $web.lists["LISTB”]
write-host = $Source
Write-host = $Dest
$items = $Source.items
foreach ($item in $items) {
$camlQuery ="<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='uniqueid'
$spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$spQuery.Query = $camlQuery
$spQuery.RowLimit = 1
#check if the item is already present in destination list
$ditems = $Dest.GetItems($spQuery)
$item["UserName"] = $ditems[0]["UserName"]
$modifiedBy =
Write-Host $item.ID
= $modifiedBy
= $modifieddate
#Write-Host $count+1
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