When we try to access the site in SharePoint, I am getting
the error message “the page can’t displayed”.
We went to IIS and verified there
all the IIS sites are in stopped stage, we tried to start the site, we go an
error message “The World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) is stopped.
Websites cannot be started unless the World Wide Web
Publishing Service (W3SVC) is running.”
To fix this issue:
Open the services.msc
There we can able to find the World Wide Web Publishing
Right click on that service click on start.
Now we can able
to access the site without any issues.
In any case if we are unable to start the service and its
dependency services with warning message “Windows could not start the World
Wide Web Publishing Service service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The
dependency service or group failed to start.” as shown in the screen shot.
Double click on the “World Wide Web Publishing Service” in
the top we can able to see the “dependency” option check whether any dependency
services we need to start.
In my case I verified all the dependency services are in
running stage.
Finally to resolve the issue restart server it will solve the problem.