Showing posts with label SharePoint2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SharePoint2010. Show all posts

How to Export and Import SharePoint Designer Workflows.

Open the SharePoint site in SP Designer, Click on workflows which is available in the left hand side.
Click on the workflow that you want to export as per the below screen shot.
Save the workflow as per the below.
 Workflow is saved in your system in VMI format.
How to Import SP Workflow
Now if you want to import the same workflow in any other site.
Follow the steps as per the below.
1)Add the .ZIP extension for the imported workflow and click on YES as per the below.
2)Open the Zip folder and delete the workflow.xoml.wfconfig.xml as highlighted in the below.
3)Right click on the workflow and remove the .ZIP
4)Again we can able to see the workflow in .VMI Extension.
5)Open the Site in SPDesigner that you want to Import the workflow into that particular site.
6)Click on “Import from Viso” as per the below screen shot.
7)Select the workflow path and click on Next.
8)Select the list that you want to associate the workflow and click on Finish.
9)Save the Workflow and update the changes in your workflow then save and publish.

Another site or list is still using this content type. If you would still like to delete it, please remove the content type from all sites and lists and then try again.

When we are trying to delete the content type we are getting the below error.
Another site or list is still using this content type. If you would still like to delete it, please remove the content type from all sites and lists and then try again.

In my case I already deleted the list, but still I am facing the same error message. The same list is available in the recycle bin, follow the same steps as per the below.

Delete from site recycle bin.
Delete from Site Collection > Site Settings > Site Collection Administration > Recycle Bin.
Delete from End User Recycle Bin Items.
Path: _layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx
Delete from "Deleted From End User Recycle Bin."
Path: layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx?View=2
Now you can able to delete the content type successfully.

Uncheck “Overwrite Existing files” in SharePoint

In SharePoint 2013 we are able to see the option “overwrite Existing files” while attaching documents in Document library. By default the option will be checked most of time by mistakenly end users will upload document with same name so that they can miss the existing document.
To avoid that we will Uncheck that option, so that if they are trying to upload the same name document it will throw error.
We implemented this functionality using JQuery and added in the master page, this will effect only in that particular site only.
Step 1:  Download the master and rename it.
In the new master page we added the JQuery JS file and script as shown below screen shot.
We already uploaded the JS file in the same site in Site Assets library. 

Step 2: Upload the new master page and select the master page for that particular site alone.

Out Put:

Who Created Site Collection using PowerShell

In this article we can able to see who created the site collection with username and time using PowerShell.

In our environment we are having so many site collection, due to some reasons we need to know who created the site collection and when he created the site with data and time information.

The below PowerShell Script is very useful to get the basic information who created the site collection.

add-pssnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$site = Get-SPSite

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Show display name in email notification using Nintex

In this article we can able to see how to show display name in email notification using Nintex, in this example we are having a new form with column name “Requestor” while creating a new item we added the user name in the “Requestor” column, so whenever we clicked on save we are sending the notification  mail to the Requestor.

In the mail we want to display user name, but by default we are getting as domain name\userid, but we want to display only Username, for this we are having couple options to achieve this functionality, we tried this approach and it working as accepted.

Create Nintex workflow and select the “Query User profile” as shown below.

Click on Configure, Create a any workflow variable “display name” single line text.

Select the values as per the below screen shot.

Now in the email notification, you can add the user “dispalyname” workflow variable where ever you want, it will shows the display name as per the user profile.

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

How to overlay Office 365 shared calendar with SharePoint Calendar

In this article we are able to see how to perform SharePoint calendar overlay, using new solution by Virtosoftware. Long time the ability to overlay Office 365 shared calendar from Exchange Online and SharePoint calendar was the most sought after feature in SharePoint Online. Now we can overlay Office 365 shared calendar not only with people that are using Outlook too.

You can easily create Office 365 shared calendar as it is described in article from this link, but you can`t overlay it with your calendar in SharePoint.
Now the brand new Virto Office 365 Calendar Add-in allows us to overlay any number of SharePoint calendars and Office 365 shared calendar in a single view.

With Office 365 Calendar Add-in you can perform this connection with a single click!

Just check the box in Add-in settings to share office 365 calendar in SharePoint! Now all your Exchange Online calendars will be automatically added to Virto Office365 Calendar. 

This unique feature, among others, makes Virto Office 365 Calendar Add-in a perfect calendaring solution for SharePoint Online. This Add-in allows you to add or edit items with a single mouse click and display color-coded events in different timescales. You can view schedules in Day, Week, Work Week, Month, Year, Task and Multisource View. With Office 365 Calendar Add-in you can show all your private events, meetings and shared calendars in one place. Also, this SharePoint online calendar has a 30-days free trial, you can download and try all its features right now!
Learn more about all features of Office 365 Calendar Add-in and download trial version.

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Hide Controls in SharePoint based on Permissions

Hide Controls in SharePoint based on Permissions
In this article we are able to see how to hide controls based on permissions, we placed a button in display form and we want to show that button only for couple of users, for this we created a SharePoint group  added users in that group.

Add the below code in notepad save it and place it in Site Assets.
Enter your GroupName as per your requirement.
Add the content editor in the display form, Edit it and refer the file in this editor.
Now we can able to see the button based on the permissions.

function CurrentUserInGroup()
            url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/sitegroups/getByName('Your SP GroupName')/Users?$filter=Id eq " + _spPageContextInfo.userId,
            method: "GET",
            headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
            success: function(data){
            if(data.d.results[0] != undefined){       
<input type="button" id="btnhidebutton" value="Add Button"/>


SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Change New Item text in SharePoint

In SharePoint for every list we are having a default name while adding “new item”, if user wants us to change the name of text related to list name we can change it using JavaScript.

Edit the page and add the Script Editor and copy the below code inside the Script Editor, Click on stop editing the page in the top ribbon, now we can see text will change automatically

<script type="text/javascript">


var changetext = document.getElementById('idHomePageNewItem').getElementsByTagName('span');

changetext[1].innerHTML="Welcome DotnetSharePoint ";



SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Create a custom view for survey list in SharePoint

In SharePoint we are having lists and document libraries, for every list and document library having default single view, we can also create custom views based on conditions as per user prospective, but for Survey list we did not find any option to create a custom view.

Steps to follow to create a Custom view
Open the Survey List
Click on Survey Settings

We can able to see the URL similar to this.

Change the survedit to viewtype

Now we can see the Standard View.
Enter the view name that you want.
Select the fields that you want to show.
Click Ok.
Now Custom View is created successfully for Survey list.
 SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

How to add custom close button in SharePoint using JavaScript

In this article we are able to see, how to add a custom close button in SharePoint using JavaScript.

We are a requirement to add a custom close button on the display from, once we clicked on the custom close button it should have to redirect to different URL, in our case we given URL

Copy this code in notepad save as txt format, add content editor in the display form and refer the text file.

.ms-ButtonHeightWidth  /*-hiding Existing close button -*/
<script type="text/javascript">
function closebutton()
 window.location = ""
<input type="button" value="Close" width="150"
onclick="closebutton()" style = "margin-left: 390px;">


SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Who created list in SharePoint using PowerShell

In this article we can learn, who created the list with name and date using PowerShell.

This script is very useful to know who created the list with created username and created date with time in any environment like Dev, QA and Prod using PowerShell.
Here we are having a list someone created long time back but as of now we don’t know who created this list, using below PowerShell script we can get it easily.

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$web = Get-SPWeb ""
$list = $web.lists["listname"]
$listwhocreated = $list.Author
$listcreateddate = $list.Created
Write-Host "Created User Name:" $listwhocreated
Write-Host "Created Date:" $listcreateddate

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Adding Certificate into SharePoint Central Administration

 In this article we are able to see, how to add certificate in to our SharePoint.

How to Create Self-Signed Certificate on IIS Server

Go to Central Administration
Click on Manage Trust under Security
Now we can see the existing trusted certifications, click on New in the Ribbon
Enter the name and select the certificate file on the Popup, as shown in the below figure.
Now we will able to see the certificate on the list. We can be access throughout our SharePoint 2013 farm.

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

How to Create Self-Signed Certificate on IIS Server

In this article we are able to see how to create self-signed certificate on IIS Server
When I am creating Provider Hosted app, i need to provide Self-Signed certification. Below steps to create Self-Signed certificate on the IIS of the development machine
                             Go to IIS & Open Server Certificates

 Now you can see the list of already existing certificates.
 Click on “Create Self- Signed Certificate” link on the Right panel as shown in the figure.

      Enter the name of Certification and Click “Ok”.

Now we can see the certificate on the Server Certificates.


Now the certificate is ready to bind with web application on the Binding Links.

We will verify the binding links, navigate to IIS and select any web application, click “Bindings..” under Edit Site from the right Pane.

Click on edit, then we can see our certificate under SSL Certificate as shown in below.

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Import and Export document library in SharePoint PowerShell

In this article we can able to see how to export and import document library using PowerShell, here we need to get all version document modified history and including users.

Now using the below script we are exporting in to our local D drive.

Export-SPWeb –Path "D:\Documents.cmp" -ItemURL "Shared%20Documents" –IncludeUserSecurity  -IncludeVersions All

Now using the below script we are importing to another SharePoint site

Export-SPWeb –Path "D:\Documents.cmp" – force  –IncludeUserSecurity

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

How to get field empty values in SharePoint using PowerShell

In this article we can able to see how to get the empty values in a field with count using PowerShell
We are having list with more than 10k items in that we are have a field with Status, now we have to know for this particular filed having empty values.

Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$web = Get-SPWeb
$list = $web.lists["ListName"] 
  $i = 0;
write-host $list
$items = $list.items
 #Go through all items
foreach($item in $items)
 $mystring = $item["Status"]
write-host  $item.ID
$i = $i+1

Write-host "total final items" $i

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator

We tried to delete a list in SharePoint suddenly we got an error message   “The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator.

Using GUI we are unable to delete the list because of list view threshold for this using PowerShell we disable the list view threshold.

 Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$web = Get-SPWeb
$list = $web.Lists["ListName"]
write-host $list
$list.EnableThrottling = $false

Now we can able to delete the list without any issues.

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

enter only numbers in text box in SharePoint

In this article we are able to see how to allow to enter only numbers in a Textbox using JQuery/Java Script.
Could not save the list changes to the server SharePoint designer 2013
Disable list throttling SharePoint using PowerShell
We are having a column with name ZIP, in that we are allowing users to enter only numbers, we designed the form and based on the title we are getting the field, using Keydown  function.   we are using the below code .

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {               
  $('input[title="ZIP"]').bind("keydown", function (event) {
    if ( event.keyCode == 46 || event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 9 || event.keyCode == 27 || event.keyCode == 13 ||
            (event.keyCode == 65 && event.ctrlKey === true) ||

            (event.keyCode >= 35 && event.keyCode <= 39)) {
        else {
            if (event.shiftKey || (event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57) && (event.keyCode < 96 || event.keyCode > 105 )&&(event.keyCode!=190)&&(event.keyCode!=110)) {


SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Copy data from one list to another list in SharePoint using PowerShell

In this article we are copying values from one list to another list in SharePoint using PowerShell
In both list having field “uniqueid” , using the “uniqueid” only I am updating values from LISTB to LISTA. In LISTB having more fields we need to copy the value from LISTB to LISTA , using camel query we are getting the value from LISTA in to this variable “$item['uniqueid']” and in FieldRef Name  we have to give the LISTB  field name.
Below is the script to update the items.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
      $web =  Get-SPWeb " /sites/sharepoint/"
      write-host $web
    $Source =$web.Lists["LISTA"]           
     $Dest = $web.lists["LISTB”]
     write-host = $Source
     Write-host = $Dest
    $items = $Source.items
    foreach ($item in $items) {
      $camlQuery ="<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='uniqueid' /><Value Type='Text'>"+$item['uniqueid']+"</Value></Eq></Where>"
        $spQuery = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
        $spQuery.Query = $camlQuery
        $spQuery.RowLimit = 1
        #check if the item is already present in destination list
         $ditems =  $Dest.GetItems($spQuery)
             $item["UserName"] = $ditems[0]["UserName"] 
 $modifiedBy = $item["Editor"]
$modifieddate =$item["Modified"]
Write-Host $item.ID
$item["Editor"] = $modifiedBy
$item["Modified"] = $modifieddate
#Write-Host $count+1

SharePoint Online Real Time Training Contact: JLAKSHMITULASI@GMAIL.COM

Add prefix to the phone no column in SharePoint using JavaScript/JQuery

In this article we are able to see how to add prefix to the phone no in SharePoint list column using JavaScript.
enter only numbers in text box in SharePoint
Generate unique id in SharePoint using jQuery/JavaScript 
How to populate today’s date using JQuery in SharePoint
We are having a column with name Phone no, whenever we enter the number in that text box, once we click on save button, in the display form we can able to see the value like Call:987XXX3210.
We adding extent Call prefix before the Phoneno, we writing the code in PreSaveAction.

function PreSaveAction(){


var pno= document.querySelector('input[title^="Phoneno"]').value;

pno = pno.indexOf("Call:")==-1 ? 'Call:'+pno : pno;
alert("error on save :"+e.message);

return true;


.Net Interview Questions add custom button in sharepoint using javascript Add custom column property into a PageLayout in SharePoint Add Page Title on their browser's title bar in SharePoint Customly add zip files in blogger Add-SPOSiteCollectionAppCatalog : Must have Manage Web Site permissions or be a tenant admin in order to add or remove sites from the site collection app catalog allow list Advance SmartObject An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. The server may not be configured for access to the requested URL. Angular 2 Angular JS Angularjs Angularjs 1 anonymous users accessing lists and libraries App Permissions for SharePoint 2013 membership unique email TreeView Control Attendees in SharePoint Auto refresh list using Content Editor WebPart in SharePoint 2013. Auto Refresh SharePoint list using JavaScript Block and unblock of attachment types in SharePoint Blogger C# Callouts in SharePoint 2013 Cascading Dropdown list in SharePoint change onenote to another location. change SuiteBarLeft in SharePoint 2013 check if userid exists in database c# click node text to expand/collapse in Treeview client object model Close webpart CQWP crate chart using BI site in PPS Create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online Create BI chart in PPS SharePoint 2013 create filter in dashboard designer. create kpi's in dashboard designer create kpi's in SharePoint 2013 dashboard designer Create List Create List In SharePoint Create List using Power Shell Script Create Lookup Field in List using Power Shell Script Create lookup field in List create SharePoint List custom view. create SharePoint List views in List Schema create site collection in site collection in SharePoint using powershell created Date Time calculated field in SharePoint Cross site Collection in SharePoint 2013 Crud Operation in Using Stored Procedure Custom MasterPage Approval in SharePoint custom view for survey list Customly add SharePoint List view in Page. delete items in sharepoint using powershell Difference between Angular 1.x & Angular 2 difference between Office 365 and Windows Azure difference between Windows Azure and Office 365 in sharepoint? DifferenceBetween discussion board Display Data in Grid View display radio buttons and choice fields horizontally in SharePoint 2013 Document library DotNet Drag and drop documents in document library in SharePoint dynamically populating values from one list to another list using jquery in sharepoint edit and delete buttons in datagridview Edit Links email notification using Nintex enable anonymous access in SharePoint 2013 enable app catalog sharepoint online site collection powershell Enable appcatalog site collection level using PowerShell based on Input file Enable versions for list and library except the hidden lists using PowerShell Script Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Cannot resolve model for the project package Errors&Solutions Export document library in sharepoint using powershell Export particular Group in Term Store Management in SharePoint 2013 Export to Excel first release Flow Flow features free disk space on servers using powershell Friendly URLs and Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013 get a list of site collection with template in web application using PowerShell Script in SharePoint Get attachments in SharePoint custom list using c# get current list item id sharepoint programmatically Get current url using jquery Get data from SharePoint list using Rest api & Angular JS Get Random Get Random SharePoint items using PowerShell Get Random values from SharePoint list using PowerShell Get url of the last value using jquery Get-SPOSite : The managed path sites/yoursitename is not a managed path in this tenant. Getting Email From User Hide “Edit Links” in left navigation SharePoint 2013 hide button in sharepoint based on permissions Hide column in SharePoint List view hide fields using client side object model Hide list in Quick Launch in SharePoint using PowerShell How to add Custom Tiles to SharePoint site Page. How to add extension files in Search Navigation in SharePoint 2013 How to Add Multiple users Using SharePoint People Picker How to add SharePoint list view in Page using C# How to Approve MasterPage using PowerShell in SharePoint How to bind Multiple users Using SharePoint People Picker how to change indicators on kpi performance how to check if an email address already exists in the database in how to configure workflow manager platform for SharePoint 2013 how to create calculated value using powershell how to create certificate in SharePoint How to create flow. how to create gantt chart webpart in sharepoint how to create KPI indicators in Dashboard designer How to create moden communication site in SharePoint online How to create Multi selected filter in Dashboard How to create nintex workflow in sharepoint how to create rdlc reports in How to Display Data Grid View in How to enable anonymous access in SharePoint How to find data in datagridview in c# How to get image names from the folder using C# how to get particular list content type id in SharePoint 2013 How to get QueryString value in SharePoint WebPart Programatically how to get the current item id for newly created item using REST API and JQuery how to hide list in sharepoint how to know who created list in sharepoint How to make a Site Collection Read-Only in SharePoint 2010 How to overlay Office 365 shared calendar on SharePoint Site how to pass jquery value to textbox control How to pass pagename as a browser's title bar in the page how to remove unused Application Pool in SharePoint how to remove zone using powershell script How to send mail to particular group of people using PowerShell how to update modified by and created by using powershell how to uplaod RAR files in blogger import csv data into sharepoint import data using powershell Import group to term store management using SharePoint 2013. InfoPath InfoPath Cascading Dropdown list Insert update delete in datagridview in C# winforms Integration from SharePoint to k2. K2 Smart Forms for SharePoint JavaScript Injection jquery JSON K2 blackpearl K2 Designer K2 Designer Workflow. K2 smartform cascading dropdown list k2 Workflow K2 workflow to send a mail with PDF left navigation Local Term Set in managed meta data Managed meta data navigation in SharePoint 2013 Managed metadata service in SharePoint 2013. Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013. Managed Promoted Sites. meta data navigation Microsoft Flow New Features New-SPConfigurationDatabase The user does not exist or is not unique NintexWorkFlow Office 365 OneDrive OneNote overwrite existing document in sharepoint using javascript PDF Converter PDF Method in K2 Performance Point Service in SharePoint 2013 PerformancePoint Services Configurtion PerformancePoint Services Configurtion for SharePoint 2013 PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint Server 2013 Popularity trends in SharePoint 2013 Pages populate dropdown list dynamicallyusing jquery Power Power Automate Power Shell Power shell script to get SharePoint site size. PowerApps powershell read xml PowerShell Script PowerShell script to get list of users from SharePoint groups PowerShell Scripts in SharePoint 2013 Powershell to set the masterpage in SharePoint Promoted Links Promoted Sites psconfig.exe Python quick launch Rdlc reports Readonly Column in SharePoint Editview Realtime DotNet Interview Questions Recent Dotnet interview questions Recent SharePoint interview questions recover deleted OneNote page. OneNote content is missing Regional Settings in SharePoint 2013 Replace New Item text in SharePoint Rest API Schedule PowerShell Script Search in SharePoint 2013 Search navigation in SharePoint 2013 Secure store service SecureStore Services SecureStore Services configuration for SharePoint 2013 self-signed certificate on IIS Server Send email to members of SharePoint Group using PowerShell sharepint2010 sharepoin2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2013 Dashboard Designer SharePoint 2013 features SharePoint 2013 Interview Questions SharePoint 2013. SharePoint 2013.disable views from user to create SharePoint 2013.Power shell SharePoint 2013.SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2016 SharePoint Administration SharePoint Alerts and Reminders SharePoint App Configuration SharePoint Apps SharePoint Bulk upload SharePoint Calculated field SharePoint Calendar View sharepoint interview questions SharePoint online interview questions SharePoint online training SharePoint Onprem vs Online SharePoint RealTime Online Training SharePoint2010 SharePoint2013 SharePoint2016 SharePointInterview SharePointOnline SharePointOnline;Restore deleted site;SharePoint 2013 show data in datagridview in C# Simple Insert update Delete Retrieve Clear in Site Collection Operations in SharePoint 2013 Site Collection Read-Only in SharePoint 2013 site contents Sorting & Filtering SPO SPSite Site Collection Operation parameters in SharePoint 2013 Step by step to create rdlc report in .Net Store names in text files in C# Sub site Subsite Term store management. The server was unable to save the form at this time. please try again UI New look update created by using client side object model update field values in SharePoint using powershell update items in SharePoint list using client object model update modified by field using client side object model upload zip files in blog use IsNullOrEmpty in PowerShell VirtoSoftware VirtoSofware vitrosoftware WebParts what is Document Set in SharePoint 2010 What is Filter in SharePoint Dashboard what is Limited-access user permission lock down mode feature What is Modern Team site What is Target Audience in SharePoint Who Created Site Using PowerShell Workflow in SharePoint 2013 Workflow management platform in SharePoint 2013 Workflow manager for SharePoint 2013 XSL-Template.