We written a PowerShell script instead of doing manual work,
we can do it easily while spending little bit time J
We want to update a field value in a particular list for all
items based on the condition, without affecting the modified by and created by
$web = Get-SPWeb
$list = $web.lists["Your List Name"]
#Geting all items in
particular list and save them to a variable
$items = $list.items
#Go through all current list items
foreach($item in $items)
#If the "CurrentStatus" column value equals
if($item["CurrentStatus"] -eq "NO")
#Change the value of the "CurrentStatus" column to
$item["CurrentStatus"] = "YES"
$modifiedBy = $item["Editor"]
$modifieddate = $item["Modified"]
$item["Editor"] = $modifiedBy
$item["Modified"] = $modifieddate
SharePoint Online Real Time Training