Showing posts with label SharePointOnline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SharePointOnline. Show all posts

Create a SharePoint site using Power automate from SharePoint list

In this article we are going to learn how to create a SharePoint site using Power automate from SharePoint list.

Some cases we don’t want to provide SharePoint admin access, or we want to automate the process as a bulk site creation, this will be help full.

Step:1 Created a SharePoint list with columns as per the below.

 Once list is created, we can see the New Form, we have added the description of the columns to understand more why we need to add this data, make sure all columns   are required to avoid issues.

Step: 2

Create automated Power automate flow, when item is created trigger action.

For creating a new site, we are using Send a Http request action.  

URi: /_api/SPSiteManager/create

Headers: Accept Application/json;odata.metadata=none 


"request": {

               "Title": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/Title']}",

               "Url": "{triggerOutputs()?['body/SiteName']}",

               "Lcid": @{triggerOutputs()?['body/Sitelanguage/Value']},

               "ShareByEmailEnabled": @{triggerOutputs()?['body/EnableExternalSharing/Value']},

               "Description": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/Description']}",

               "WebTemplate": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/SiteTemplate/Value']}",

               "Owner": "@{triggerOutputs()?['body/SiteOwner/Email']}"



I have created a couple of items to create a SharePoint site.

Flow was started and site was provisioned successfully as per the below.

We can also update the site URL in the SharePoint list using update action for future reference.

 To handle the issues, we can use SiteStatus code, and we send email to required people based on conditions.

0 - Not Found. The site doesn't exist.

1 - Provisioning. The site is currently being provisioned.

2 - Ready. The site has been created.

3 - Error. An error occurred while provisioning the site.

4 - Site with requested URL already exist.

 Hope this will helps. 

Deep linking in power apps

In most of the scenarios when we want to share specific screen, deep lining will be useful to go directly to that screen.

We have created a sample form and galley.

To access the edit from with data from gallery, we have added the formula Onselect                                                         


To access the specific screen based the parameter we can use the below formula






    If(User().Email in [""],






If you want to pass specific item with screen and item ID in the URL, use below formula, we have set it as New form as default.

If(!IsBlank(Param("ID")),Set(varitem,LookUp(MYTasks,ID= Value(Param("ID"))));EditForm(Form1))

As an example, below is the URL to pass the parameter screen and item ID to show data in the Edit form.

Using Power automate we can send deep linking URL to users, getting URL dynamically when item is created.

Hope this will helps.

Create a button in SharePoint list to trigger a Power automate flow

Some scenarios we need to trigger a flow for a selected item, in that case we can add button in the SharePoint list view itself, using JSON we can add the button easily to trigger a power automate from default environment.

Step 1: Create a single line of text column as per the below screen shot.

SharePoint online training

Step 2: Once column is created, click on the column name ->column settings-> Format this column
SharePoint online trainingStep 3:  To add the power automate flow id, we can get it from flow as per the below screen shot.

Click on the flow name, in the browser we can get the flow id.

Add the JSON code as per the below.


  "$schema": "",

  "elmType": "button",

  "txtContent": "Start Approval",

  "customRowAction": {

    "action": "executeFlow",

    "actionParams": "{\"id\": \"e4691fd4-368c-4ae7-8b1f-4e998a9c7a42\"}"



Button will be created as per the below screen shot

If we want to design the button with different color, we can use the below code.


  "$schema": "",

  "elmType": "button",

  "txtContent": "Start Approval",

  "customRowAction": {

    "action": "executeFlow",

    "actionParams": "{\"id\": \"e4691fd4-368c-4ae7-8b1f-4e998a9c7a42\"}"


  "style": {

    "background-color": "Green",

    "color": "white",

    "cursor": "pointer"



Once you click on the button workflow will start automatically, hope this will helps.

Search gallery with number in Power apps


In Power apps using search function we cannot search with number fields by default, however there is a work around, in smaller lists we need to search with number field.

Designed the screen as per the below.

Select the gallery and items property add the below formula


Save the app and search with number 2 as an example, you can get the results with no 2

 Note: This will work only for small lists under the delegation limit. Hope this helps.

Extract information from PDF with AI builder using Power Automate

In this example we can see how we can extract the information from PDF’s when we receive email to shared mail and send notification to approval team with required details.

Step 1: Navigate to> under AI Builder-> Models-> click on Extract custom information from documents.

Step 2: Create custom model, our PDF is in structured documents, select “Structured documents”->Click on Next

Create Text fields as per your requirement, I have created four columns as per the below. 

Step 3: Click on Next -> click on “New collection” -> add at least 5 PDFs with different data-> Click on Next

Step:4 Select the data in the PDF that you want to extract in email as per the below for all 5 PDFS’-> Click on Next-> Click on Train-> We need to publish then only we can use it.

Step 5:  Create an automated flow, we are selecting trigger condition when new email arrives on Shared mailbox-> Click on Create  

Created the flow as per the below screen shot, add the dynamic content which we want to show in the email.

When we receive the email to the shared mailbox, we will get the email as per the TO address.



SharePoint online interview questions

In this article we are going to discuss about SharePointonline interview questions.

Before attending SharePoint interview ,  kindly read this SharePoint question and prepare well, all these are real time SharePoint online interview questions.  We will cover basic SharePoint interview questions and answers to advanced SharePoint interview questions.

1) What is the process you follow to create a new site in SharePoint online?

2) What is the Maximum storage limit for each site collection in SharePoint online?

3) What is the different type of licenses we are having in Office 365?

4)What is the difference between Modern team sites and communication sites?

5)Difference between Contribute and Edit Permissions?

6) List down the webparts available in modern sites?

7)What is the difference between SharePoint Onprem and SharePoint online?

8) With in how many days we can recover the deleted items from the recycle bin?

9)How good you are in PowerShell scripting, did you worked  on any automations?

10)How you will enable external sharing?

Hope all these SharePoint online admin questions will be helpful to clear the interview.

Create communication site in SharePoint online

How to create communication site in SharePoint online.

What is communication site?

communication site is used to share information with team or organization, such as news, product information, topics, events etc.

SharePoint Online Interview Questions

How to create modern team site in SharePoint online

Few important points on communication site.

communication sites are not connected with O365 Groups.

communication sites having 3 pre build templates (Now Microsoft removed at the time of site creation)


Engage viewers with informative content like news and events.

Site capabilities

Highlight news and announcements

Promote upcoming events

Surface related content and resources


Spotlight a product, event, or team using visual content.

Site capabilities

Share related content and resources

Spotlight visual content like images

Create calls to action


Create your own custom site starting with a blank home page.

Site capabilities

Blank home page

Hero webpart is added by default for communication site templates(Topic, Showcase)


How to create Communication site

Step 1

Open URL or any SharePoint online site

Click on App launcher and click on SharePoint as per the below screen shot.

Create communication site in SharePoint online

Step 2: Click on Create site and click on Communication site


Create communication site in SharePoint online


Step 3:  Enter the site name, site description, select language based on your requirement

Create communication site in SharePoint online

Click on Finish


How to create communication site in SharePoint online

 Communication site as created successfully.

By default, it will create with Topic template   

If we want to change to another template (Showcase, blank)-> click on settings gear icon -> click on Apply a site template

Create communication site in SharePoint online

Select the template you want to apply -> Click on Use Template.


How to create communication site in SharePoint online

Create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

Modern team sites are integrated with office365 connected groups, once we created a team site, it will create a SharePoint site, with Office 365 group , email id, we can add group owner, we can also change the privacy settings either private or public.

How to create communication site in SharePoint online
Difference between SharePoint Onprem vs Online

If Self site creation is disabled in your organization level, we need to navigate to SharePoint admin center to create new sites.

Steps to create a modern team site 

Step 1: Open SharePoint admin center

Click on Active sites -> Click on Create

How to create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

We can see popup to create a new Team site and commutation site

Create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

Step 2: Click on Team site -> Enter the site name, same name will populate to group email address and site address. Provide the site owner.

create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

By default, team site will create as private group site, if you want to make it public, click on the Advanced settings, select the options as per the requirement.

Create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

Step3: If we want to add additional owners or members, we can able to add as per the below screen and click on finish 

create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online

Now we able to see the newly created site in SharePoint admin center.

create  modern team site collection in SharePoint online

Difference between SharePoint Onprem and Online

In this article we can see the major difference between SharePoint on premise and SharePoint Online

                  Difference between SharePoint Onprem and Online 

How to create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online
Create communication site in SharePoint online



SharePoint farm’s will be hosted, managed/maintained by your company. It will be more cost to manage.

SharePoint farms are hosted, managed/maintained by Microsoft, it is a cloud-based solution, we can reduce the cost.



Company IT staff will be responsible for patching, updates, related to SharePoint, windows updates.


Microsoft will take care of installing patching and updates

Our Origination team needs to make sure sites are up and running always.


Microsoft has committed to 99.9%


SharePoint sites can be accessible only within the organization network, or based on own configuration we can access outside as well.


SharePoint online sites can able accessible from in and outside of Origination, any device.


More number of team members required to manage SharePoint, having dependency on other teams, Network, AD, IIS, Security, Database, windows teams.

Microsoft will take care, if there is any planned activity MS will announce we can see in the Service health page.


Your company need to buy license for each server, either standard or enterprise, and for office applications.


Microsoft will provide license based on our usage/requirement in Office 365 enterprise or business license.


SharePoint Onprem will support server-side coding, client side.  


SharePoint online supports Client side, SPFX

SharePoint Online Interview Questions 

How to move OneNote to another location

In our daily work we can see users will faces some issues related to OneNote, if user changed the laptop or system crash, we might lose OneNote data, to avoid such issues most of people will use OneDrive to syn OneNote’s.

Open OneNote from your machine.

How to move OneNote to another location

Click on File , here we can able to see the OneNote we are using 

Click on Settings Icon, next to the OneNote name you want to move.

In our example, we will move “MyOwnNote”

Select the OneDrive as per the below, click on Move Notebook or select the different folder to move this OneNote.

Once we clicked on Move Notebook we can get pop up “Your notebook is now syncing to the new location”

Now we can see our OneNote is syncing to OneDrive.

Hope this will be helpful when we want to change the location of OneNote.



.Net Interview Questions add custom button in sharepoint using javascript Add custom column property into a PageLayout in SharePoint Add Page Title on their browser's title bar in SharePoint Customly add zip files in blogger Add-SPOSiteCollectionAppCatalog : Must have Manage Web Site permissions or be a tenant admin in order to add or remove sites from the site collection app catalog allow list Advance SmartObject An error occurred while accessing the resources required to serve this request. The server may not be configured for access to the requested URL. Angular 2 Angular JS Angularjs Angularjs 1 anonymous users accessing lists and libraries App Permissions for SharePoint 2013 membership unique email TreeView Control Attendees in SharePoint Auto refresh list using Content Editor WebPart in SharePoint 2013. Auto Refresh SharePoint list using JavaScript Block and unblock of attachment types in SharePoint Blogger C# Callouts in SharePoint 2013 Cascading Dropdown list in SharePoint change onenote to another location. change SuiteBarLeft in SharePoint 2013 check if userid exists in database c# click node text to expand/collapse in Treeview client object model Close webpart CQWP crate chart using BI site in PPS Create a modern team site collection in SharePoint online Create BI chart in PPS SharePoint 2013 create filter in dashboard designer. create kpi's in dashboard designer create kpi's in SharePoint 2013 dashboard designer Create List Create List In SharePoint Create List using Power Shell Script Create Lookup Field in List using Power Shell Script Create lookup field in List create SharePoint List custom view. create SharePoint List views in List Schema create site collection in site collection in SharePoint using powershell created Date Time calculated field in SharePoint Cross site Collection in SharePoint 2013 Crud Operation in Using Stored Procedure Custom MasterPage Approval in SharePoint custom view for survey list Customly add SharePoint List view in Page. delete items in sharepoint using powershell Difference between Angular 1.x & Angular 2 difference between Office 365 and Windows Azure difference between Windows Azure and Office 365 in sharepoint? DifferenceBetween discussion board Display Data in Grid View display radio buttons and choice fields horizontally in SharePoint 2013 Document library DotNet Drag and drop documents in document library in SharePoint dynamically populating values from one list to another list using jquery in sharepoint edit and delete buttons in datagridview Edit Links email notification using Nintex enable anonymous access in SharePoint 2013 enable app catalog sharepoint online site collection powershell Enable appcatalog site collection level using PowerShell based on Input file Enable versions for list and library except the hidden lists using PowerShell Script Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Cannot resolve model for the project package Errors&Solutions Export document library in sharepoint using powershell Export particular Group in Term Store Management in SharePoint 2013 Export to Excel first release Flow Flow features free disk space on servers using powershell Friendly URLs and Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013 get a list of site collection with template in web application using PowerShell Script in SharePoint Get attachments in SharePoint custom list using c# get current list item id sharepoint programmatically Get current url using jquery Get data from SharePoint list using Rest api & Angular JS Get Random Get Random SharePoint items using PowerShell Get Random values from SharePoint list using PowerShell Get url of the last value using jquery Get-SPOSite : The managed path sites/yoursitename is not a managed path in this tenant. Getting Email From User Hide “Edit Links” in left navigation SharePoint 2013 hide button in sharepoint based on permissions Hide column in SharePoint List view hide fields using client side object model Hide list in Quick Launch in SharePoint using PowerShell How to add Custom Tiles to SharePoint site Page. How to add extension files in Search Navigation in SharePoint 2013 How to Add Multiple users Using SharePoint People Picker How to add SharePoint list view in Page using C# How to Approve MasterPage using PowerShell in SharePoint How to bind Multiple users Using SharePoint People Picker how to change indicators on kpi performance how to check if an email address already exists in the database in how to configure workflow manager platform for SharePoint 2013 how to create calculated value using powershell how to create certificate in SharePoint How to create flow. how to create gantt chart webpart in sharepoint how to create KPI indicators in Dashboard designer How to create moden communication site in SharePoint online How to create Multi selected filter in Dashboard How to create nintex workflow in sharepoint how to create rdlc reports in How to Display Data Grid View in How to enable anonymous access in SharePoint How to find data in datagridview in c# How to get image names from the folder using C# how to get particular list content type id in SharePoint 2013 How to get QueryString value in SharePoint WebPart Programatically how to get the current item id for newly created item using REST API and JQuery how to hide list in sharepoint how to know who created list in sharepoint How to make a Site Collection Read-Only in SharePoint 2010 How to overlay Office 365 shared calendar on SharePoint Site how to pass jquery value to textbox control How to pass pagename as a browser's title bar in the page how to remove unused Application Pool in SharePoint how to remove zone using powershell script How to send mail to particular group of people using PowerShell how to update modified by and created by using powershell how to uplaod RAR files in blogger import csv data into sharepoint import data using powershell Import group to term store management using SharePoint 2013. InfoPath InfoPath Cascading Dropdown list Insert update delete in datagridview in C# winforms Integration from SharePoint to k2. K2 Smart Forms for SharePoint JavaScript Injection jquery JSON K2 blackpearl K2 Designer K2 Designer Workflow. K2 smartform cascading dropdown list k2 Workflow K2 workflow to send a mail with PDF left navigation Local Term Set in managed meta data Managed meta data navigation in SharePoint 2013 Managed metadata service in SharePoint 2013. Managed Navigation in SharePoint 2013. Managed Promoted Sites. meta data navigation Microsoft Flow New Features New-SPConfigurationDatabase The user does not exist or is not unique NintexWorkFlow Office 365 OneDrive OneNote overwrite existing document in sharepoint using javascript PDF Converter PDF Method in K2 Performance Point Service in SharePoint 2013 PerformancePoint Services Configurtion PerformancePoint Services Configurtion for SharePoint 2013 PerformancePoint Services in SharePoint Server 2013 Popularity trends in SharePoint 2013 Pages populate dropdown list dynamicallyusing jquery Power Power Automate Power Shell Power shell script to get SharePoint site size. PowerApps powershell read xml PowerShell Script PowerShell script to get list of users from SharePoint groups PowerShell Scripts in SharePoint 2013 Powershell to set the masterpage in SharePoint Promoted Links Promoted Sites psconfig.exe Python quick launch Rdlc reports Readonly Column in SharePoint Editview Realtime DotNet Interview Questions Recent Dotnet interview questions Recent SharePoint interview questions recover deleted OneNote page. OneNote content is missing Regional Settings in SharePoint 2013 Replace New Item text in SharePoint Rest API Schedule PowerShell Script Search in SharePoint 2013 Search navigation in SharePoint 2013 Secure store service SecureStore Services SecureStore Services configuration for SharePoint 2013 self-signed certificate on IIS Server Send email to members of SharePoint Group using PowerShell sharepint2010 sharepoin2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2013 Dashboard Designer SharePoint 2013 features SharePoint 2013 Interview Questions SharePoint 2013. SharePoint 2013.disable views from user to create SharePoint 2013.Power shell SharePoint 2013.SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2016 SharePoint Administration SharePoint Alerts and Reminders SharePoint App Configuration SharePoint Apps SharePoint Bulk upload SharePoint Calculated field SharePoint Calendar View sharepoint interview questions SharePoint online interview questions SharePoint online training SharePoint Onprem vs Online SharePoint RealTime Online Training SharePoint2010 SharePoint2013 SharePoint2016 SharePointInterview SharePointOnline SharePointOnline;Restore deleted site;SharePoint 2013 show data in datagridview in C# Simple Insert update Delete Retrieve Clear in Site Collection Operations in SharePoint 2013 Site Collection Read-Only in SharePoint 2013 site contents Sorting & Filtering SPO SPSite Site Collection Operation parameters in SharePoint 2013 Step by step to create rdlc report in .Net Store names in text files in C# Sub site Subsite Term store management. The server was unable to save the form at this time. please try again UI New look update created by using client side object model update field values in SharePoint using powershell update items in SharePoint list using client object model update modified by field using client side object model upload zip files in blog use IsNullOrEmpty in PowerShell VirtoSoftware VirtoSofware vitrosoftware WebParts what is Document Set in SharePoint 2010 What is Filter in SharePoint Dashboard what is Limited-access user permission lock down mode feature What is Modern Team site What is Target Audience in SharePoint Who Created Site Using PowerShell Workflow in SharePoint 2013 Workflow management platform in SharePoint 2013 Workflow manager for SharePoint 2013 XSL-Template.