In web
application level we can set anonymous access in SharePoint.
Web Application Level
When we create Web Application in
SharePoint you can set the anonymous access at the web application level. It
will allow the entire anonymous user to access the site.
--> Go to SharePoint Central
Administration site select “Application
Management” -> “Manage web application"
-->Create "New" web application
“Yes” for “Allow Anonymous”
Already existing site we have to set anonymous, we have to do two steps
1)Authentication Provider
2)Anonymous Policy
Authentication Provider
Go to SharePoint Central
Administration site select “Application
Management” -> “Web Application Management”
--> In Web Application Management
screen select the particular web application in ribbon click on Authentication providers.
--> In authentication Provider
select the zone in which you need to change the authentication.
-->You can edit the authentication
and set the anonymous access
Anonymous Policy
--> In Web Application Management screen select the web application in ribbon click on Anonymous Policy.
-->Set the Anonymous policy for each zone
SharePoint Site Collection Level
As a first step you need to enable anonymous access
at web application level and go to the site collection in which you want set up
the anonymous access.
Go to Site Settings, click on “Site Permissions”
Give Anonymous permission to the entire web
site, unchecked the “Require Use Remote Interfaces Permission" and click “ok” to save the changes.
SharePoint Library Level
Go to any library and click on “Library settings”
I am going to pages library
Go to the "Permissions for this document library"
Click on “stop inheriting”
Click on “Anonymous Access”
the permission for the anonymous user
By default an anonymous user cannot add and
edit items in a document library, which is disable, even with anonymous access
enabled. So for a page library all options will be grayed except “View
Application Page Level
You need to deactivate the Limited-access user permission lockdown mode feature to
allow anonymous users to access application level