In this article we can see how to find exiting email id from data base and it will display error message if it already exits
We created a method with name uniqueEmail.
Established a connection to the database.
Getting the data from the table aspnet_Membership.
Using the ExecuteReader to read the values and checking the condition weather email id is already exists or not.
if (uniqueEmail())
Insert Code logic //
Update Code Logic
We created a method with name uniqueEmail.
Established a connection to the database.
Getting the data from the table aspnet_Membership.
Using the ExecuteReader to read the values and checking the condition weather email id is already exists or not.
public bool uniqueEmail() { string iemail; string constr = ABCDataAccessLayer.ABCConnctionString; // connection string SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr); con.Open(); string query = "select count(Email) as Email from aspnet_Membership where Email= '" + txtEmailID.Text + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, con); SqlDataReader dr; dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { iemail = dr["Email"].ToString(); if (iemail != "0") { mailerror.Text = "Enter different email id"; return false; } } return true; }Keep if condition,if you want to check email in insert mode or update mode
if (uniqueEmail())
Insert Code logic //
Update Code Logic